Oil In Water Analyzer FL200-H

The measurement method of FL200 is based on the fluorescence signal emitted by aromatic hydrocarbons when excited by specific UV light.

Measurement cycles of FL200 can be continuously set or sequentially set depending on the operation mode. In most applications of the FL200 analyser, very low concentrations of contaminants have to be detected

The measurement realized by FL200 analysers is not based on a chemical or on a physicochemical reaction but on a physical principle. No reagent is required. No contact between the water which is analysed and the measurement probe is required and therefore the measurement probe cannot be damaged by aggressive water. The only parts in contact with water are the feeding tubes (large diameter) and the quartz measurement cell the light goes through.


  • Continuously set or sequentially set depending on the operation
  • Quick results in 20 seconds, with no reagent needed
  • Long-term reliability of the measurement
  • UV Fluorescence measurement technology
  • Automatic cleaning and zero correction systems
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Application Environment monitoring

Industrial effluents

Range 0-20 ppm, 0-200 ppm, 0-500 ppm
Accuracy ± 5% with range 0-20 ppm
± 10% with range 0-200  ppm and 0-500 ppm
Resolution 0.2 ppm with range 0-20 ppm
0.5 ppm with range 0-200  ppm and 0-500 ppm
Sample temperature > 1 to 60°C
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