Sentry XC Boiler Blowdown System

The Sentry XC blowdown system provides the best performance of any boiler heat recovery product available.
During operation, the automatic proportional control valve uses a direct-acting thermostatic tube working against an adjustable seat. The (cold) makeup water flows between the inner and outer tubes, automatically regulating blowdown to be concurrent with and proportional to makeup flow. It also virtually ensures that no blowdown occurs without proportional makeup flow. The (warm) blowdown water flows through the inner thermostatic tube.
The efficient counterflow heat exchanger comes completely piped as part of the system. The stainless steel tube bundle is specifically designed to withstand thermal shock, water hammer, abrasive materials and high water velocities. All units are ASME stamped.

The XC blowdown system is specifically designed to eliminate the twin hazards of blowdown systems: flash steam, which destroys heat exchangers, valves and piping, and overheated makeup, which scales the heat exchanger and liberates dissolved gases that corrode the exchanger, piping and deaerator inlet.
All systems are completely pre-piped for a broad range of boiler capacities, and installation is simple.


  • One to six boilers in the same recovery unit
  • Typically recovers 90% of heat lost during blowdown
  • Quick payback in energy savings
  • Boiler pressure ratings from 35 to 250 psig (2.4 to 17.2 barg) for a broad range of boiler capacities
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